The purpose here is to provide a deeper and more detailed understanding of Gnosis and address any doubts that the prospective student may have about Gnosis and the Introductory Course.

If any of the following answers don’t quite satisfy you, please feel free to email us through our contact page.


1.     What is Gnosis?
2.     Do I have to follow anyone?
3.     Is Gnosis universal?
4.     Is Gnosis a study of everything?
5.     What does Gnosis say the Truth is?
6.     Will Gnosis satisfy the sincere spiritual seeker?
7.     What is the aim of Gnosis?
8.     Is Gnosis a superficial knowledge?
9.     What about helping the planet and others?
10.   Is Gnosis verifiable?
11.   What about personal change & transformation?
12.   What about other traditions?
13.   Is Gnosis a cult?
14.   Can I learn Gnosis on the internet or through correspondence?
15.   What does Gnosis say about suffering?
16.   Is there only one knowledge?
17.   Do I need it?
18.   How will it help me?
19.   Who is Gnosis for?
20.   What are the people who study Gnosis like?
21.   What do I need to the Introductory Course?
22.   What are the costs of the Introductory Course?


1. What is Gnosis?

Gnosis is a word that derives from the Greek language which means knowledge, self-knowledge or better put, a knowledge of an intuitive comprehension of spiritual truths. 

Normally, we understand knowledge as an accumulation in the intellect of facts, figures, concepts and information that has been deposited in the memory and can be easily retrieved and used in some way. Therefore, someone who is considered knowledgeable has amassed a vast reservoir of intellectual information they can use to argue their perspective on a particular subject. Generally, this knowledge has not have been directly experienced and thus can lead to error. For example, a student writing their thesis on the French Revolution is using knowledge that has been gained from secondary sources such as books, texts and other writers. In this case, there is no possibility that the student has directly experienced any of the knowledge and theories they may assert because the events took place before they were born. Thus, any conclusions that are drawn may or may not be in accordance with what truly happened.

Another bigger problem with this type of knowledge is its limitations in answering the big questions of life that we so desperately seek to answer: what is the meaning of life, where do we come from, what is the truth, what happens after death and is there a God are just some of the very basic questions that have been elusive to humanity over time but which are so fundamental to the core of who we truly are. And no matter how much data we accumulate on the subject, now matter how rigorous our logic and analysis is, no matter what new technology is invented and no matter how many theories we produce, we find we are still no closer to the solution and if anything, we have made what should be easy more complicated and unrefined. We have never been successful in answering these questions and they continue to plague us like a splinter in our mind’s eye.

Gnosis is a different type of knowledge from how we perceive knowledge in an intellectual, logical or rational manner. Gnosis is gained through and only through direct experience. Gnosis cannot be arrived at by reading books, acquiring more information or searching on google although in the beginning, these may point us in the right direction. Indeed, more and more accumulation of facts and figures can be a hindrance to the self-revelation that we seek. A beautiful Zen proverb says: knowledge is learning something new everyday, wisdom is letting go of something every day. The direct experience of the truth has a power of certainty that cannot be denied. For example, only a mother can talk intimately about the trials and tribulations, the pains and ecstasies of giving birth because she has directly experienced the whole process of it. And no matter how much a man researches child birth and interviews mothers on the event, he cannot communicate the intimate depths of the experience of child birth the way a mother can. Through direct experience, we surpass the ignorance of belief and non-belief, concepts and theories and intimately comprehend reality and come to know the truth as it is. Gnosis seeks to experience all the great Mysteries of the Cosmos and when the sincere student arrives at Gnosis, they are comforted like the happy mother who holds her babe warmly in her arms.

Gnosis is an expansive knowledge that uses the latent powers within to allow the channels of wisdom to flow back to us. Gnosis is a practical knowledge, a direct knowledge, a knowledge of truth and reality and because it is a a knowledge of an intuitive comprehension of spiritual truths, it can answer any question.

In this way, Gnosis helps us in the practical living of our daily life, it opens the doorways to higher knowledge and frees us from suffering, allowing us to lead a more dignified and edifying life.

2. Do I have to follow anyone?

No. The man who revived Gnosis, Samael Aun Weor, has always asserted that he did not want followers and that the sign post or the guide which we follow always points within. He said do not follow me. I am just a signpost. Reach your own realization of the Self.

3. Is Gnosis universal?

It can be said that Gnosis is present wherever there is experience. This means that Gnosis is present in our everyday life no matter who or where we are. In this sense, Gnosis is universal.

4. Is Gnosis a study of everything?

No, not really. While Gnosis covers many idea and concepts about reality, Nature and the Cosmos, it is primarily concerned with the psychological and esoteric development of the human being.

5. What does Gnosis say the Truth is?

The truth is something that liberates and frees us and changes us to the core. When a truth is comprehended, it has the inherent power to transform the consciousness of the person.

It is said that when the truth is experienced by the consciousness and you try to describe it that you can never quite convey exactly what was experienced, that words and concepts are unable to describe the voluptuousness of what the truth is. That is why in Gnosis we say that the truth is unknowable from moment to moment. 

No effort is required to know the truth. The most opportune moment for us to know the truth is when our mind is silent.

6. Will Gnosis satisfy the sincere spiritual seeker?

Yes. If you are someone who has searched and searched and become tired of so many theories then you have come to the right place. Gnosis is for those who are tired of theories and only want real, practical, tangible and perceivable results.

It is said there are two doctrines, the doctrine of the eye and the doctrine of the heart. The doctrine of the eye is the intellectual study of esotericism or spirituality whose end result is only a head filled with information that at best comes from the real experiences of others. The doctrine of the heart is different in that it is the practical study of esotericism. It is to experience for oneself and therefore to know and be impacted directly by the experience.

Furthermore, the Gnostic knowledge is one that delves deeply into the matter of things; it is a knowledge that goes to the cause, it does not deal with effects. The experiences that can be had through the application of the Gnostic knowledge can be very profound and intimately answer the mysteries about our self and nature.

So it can be said that Gnosis will satisfy the sincere spiritual seeker.

7. What is the objective of Gnosis?

The objective of Gnosis has always sought to provide humanity with knowledge, keys and techniques for the full development of human and spiritual potential, to direct the human being to the divine spark that lies within everyone and from there to begin the ‘work’ of inner transformation, so as to once again unite with their own particular inner individual spark.

Simply put, Gnosis is about the attainment and fulfilment of happiness of everyone. If the Gnostic student perseveres, this goal is more than attainable.

8. Is Gnosis a superficial knowledge?

Definitely not. Gnosis is not interested in superficial, flimsy or vicarious knowledge.  On the contrary, it gives the student the keys and tools so they themselves can solve the deepest questions that have been puzzling mankind for aeons.

9. What about helping the planet and others?

The teachings of Gnosis may be synthesized into three factors with one being sacrifice for humanity. So the sincere Gnostic works to help humanity, by doing works of charity but more importantly passing on the knowledge of Gnosis itself to his fellow man. As society is the sum of all the individual within it, society or the planet as a whole can only change once the individual changes. The work of spreading the light that will help each willing individual to transform themselves into a wiser and more compassionate being will undoubtedly help society and therefore the planet.

10. Is Gnosis verifiable?

Gnosis states it is better to know than to believe. It does not require belief, it is completely verifiable. However, not all the knowledge of Gnosis is immediately verifiable but given the right degree of the development of the consciousness, the knowledge will eventually become intimately verified. In the beginning though, there is much that can be immediately verified to show the sincere student the authenticity and transformative power of the knowledge.

11. What about personal change and transformation?

The heart of Gnosis is change and transformation, indeed, Gnosis can be described as the science of change. This transformation is not a superficial change like a change of address or colouring your hair, Gnosis is conscious change, that is, a change that elevates your level of Being, dignifies the Soul and edifies the student. Where does this change take place?  Not in the exterior or physical world but within. If we change for the better internally, our external life will change for the better as well.

12. What about other traditions?

Gnosis is essentially a word, that among many others, is a label for the knowledge a person acquires through the direct and intimate experience of the truth. Gnosis is only one of the many labels, that in the past and in the current day is used to label this special kind of knowledge. So there could well be on the planet Earth many other doctrines, groups and systems that work with this special knowledge and follow the tradition of their particular style of this knowledge.

13. Is Gnosis a cult?

No. Gnostic students come to classes which last two hours, one, two or three times a week. They receive the Gnostic knowledge and it is entirely up to them during the week to apply what is presented to them in the class.

A Gnostic student can leave Gnosis at any moment. We have the policy of not interfering with the circumstances of any one of the student’s lives. If students ask for advice, we are happy to give it in accordance with the Gnostic principles and values. Once again, freedom is given to the student to evaluate the advice and apply it or not, according to their own discretion.

Gnosis is not trying to entrap or enslave others, on the contrary, the purpose of Gnosis is to liberate the student from their own suffering and ignorance.

14. Can I learn Gnosis on the internet or through correspondence?

A student can learn Gnosis on the internet however they will do so in a very superficial and intellectual manner. It is much better to learn Gnosis or any esoteric teachings in the physical world from a living, breathing instructor. The reason for this is that in order to learn esoterically and reach a higher level of consciousness, we need to learn from someone with a higher level of consciousness. In all the great Mystery schools of the past, the esoteric knowledge has always been handed down from Master to student. For example, in the Yogi tradition, they can trace their lineage for thousands of years. Also, learning Gnosis over the internet, the student runs the possibility of feeding the intellect, strengthening the mind and filling themselves with esoteric concepts instead of working in a purely practical manner. We also learn from the actions of our teacher and most importantly, their own personal revelations.

In this way, it is self-evident that learning Gnosis through a screen or from someone we have never met before on the other side of the planet is inferior to the close relation one has with their physical teacher and the teachings themselves.

15. What does Gnosis say about suffering?

Gnosis says that suffering is caused by the ego, the sleeping consciousness and our karma and that if these problems are fixed then our suffering will cease to exist. When one unites with the Divine spark within, the Gnostic teachings affirm that all pain and suffering ends and that one has truly acquired peace, liberation and enlightenment.

16. Is there only one knowledge?

The knowledge of ‘returning to the stars’ is only really one, and coincidentally it is the same for everyone. The factor however, that produces the perception that there are many different systems of knowledge, is that this one knowledge has over the centuries expressed itself through many different cultures, civilisations and personages all using their particular terminology and symbolism. However behind each expression of the one knowledge there has always been the same goal and the same work required to reach it. This knowledge in the past has been called Jina (Latin), Jnana(Sanskrit), Djin (Arabic), Daath (Hebrew), Dharma (Sanskrit) and today Gnosis (Greek).

Gnosis as it is presented today is the synthetic knowledge of each expression of the one knowledge. Gnosis is the core knowledge or the ‘bare bones’ of the knowledge required to reach once again the divine spark that dwells within. Gnosis has been said to be the golden thread of divinity upon which all the pearls of the world’s religions are hung.

17. Do I need it?

It depends. If you genuinely seek change, emancipation from suffering and the inner knowledge to all the big questions in life – if you consider yourself an aspirant of the light then the answer is yes, however, if you are happy with your life and don’t wish for change then the answer is no.

18. How will it help me?

Any knowledge is useful and helpful but the knowledge of Gnosis will direct you towards self-knowledge and that knowledge will help you in many different ways. Firstly and most importantly it will help you to modify the causes of your pains and sufferings. It will allow you to modify the way you act and therefore change the many events and circumstances of your life.

As we progress further, the student will start to gain control over their own psychology, that is, their thoughts and emotions and eventually eliminate the egos such as fear, anxiety, anger and depression. In addition, you will learn a lot about yourself and that which is hidden to ordinary eyes. Gnosis and the many practices given, if sincerely applied, will open you to another reality, an inner esoteric reality where the possibility of walking an inner path leading towards the depths of oneself, where mystery, peace, previously unknown forces, principles and faculties all reside.

To summarise, in the psychological way of things, Gnosis will teach you how to have the right or appropriate inner state for every occasion of life and will provide you with many keys that you can use to quieten your mind, dissolve your defects, safely on your own investigate your subconscious, fortify your health, improve relations with others and improve the circumstances of your life.

19. Who is Gnosis for?

Gnosis is for everyone. It is doesn’t matter about a student’s background, religion, nationality, colour, creed, social status, occupation or gender, everyone is welcome to the Introductory Course.

20. What are the people who study Gnosis like?

There is no one typical Gnostic student. Gnostic students can be young and old, single or married, from Australia or overseas, from working class, middle and upper class backgrounds. They come from a multitude of religious backgrounds and also from backgrounds of skepticism. The one thing that unites all of them is their fervent yearning for the knowledge of their inner reality, the sincere longing to awaken their consciousness and to attain freedom from their suffering.

There is no doubt that the people who study Gnosis come from all walks of life.

21. What do I need to bring to the Introductory Course?

Just yourself is fine.

22. How much does the Introductory Course cost?

The first four classes are free although donations are appreciated. If you are enjoying the classes and wish to continue, the cost is $10 per class. For those with limited resources, we can arrange a cost that is more suitable to your needs. We do not wish, in any circumstance, to limit attendance based on financial issues.


If you are interested in attending class or want to know more about Gnosis, meditation,

awakening or the Path, we are happy to start a conversation.